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10 tips on how to thrive in your first year of uni

Article writen by: Abby
29 April 2023

Starting university is an exciting but daunting experience. It's a thrilling mix of new people, places, and knowledge that can feel overwhelming at first. I've been there, and I'm here to help. I'm a student living in Student Beehive's student accommodation in Leicester, and I'm going to share my top 10 tips on how to thrive in your first year of uni.

  1. Embrace the Change

    The University of Leicester is a fantastic place to study, and Leicester itself is an amazing city to live in. I remember the first time I arrived at my private student accommodation in Leicester, how different it was from my hometown. But the beauty of university life lies in embracing this change. Treat Leicester as your new home, explore the city, mingle with the locals, and you'll soon feel like a true Leicester student.

  2. Choose the Right Accommodation

    Your student accommodation is more than just a place to sleep; it's your home away from home. The University of Leicester student accommodation options are varied, from student halls and student studios to student houses. Student Beehive offers some of the best student accommodation in Leicester, with both private and shared student rooms. They even have an easy process to book student accommodation. Ensure your accommodation is comfortable, secure, and suits your lifestyle.

    Taking car of your health whilst staying at Leicester student accommodation

  3. Connect with Your Housemates

    Whether you're living in student halls, a student house, or private student accommodation in Leicester, make an effort to connect with your housemates. They can turn from strangers to friends, offering emotional support and making your Leicester student accommodation feel more like home. Organise movie nights, cook meals together, or explore Leicester as a group.

  4. Manage Your Time Wisely

    University life is busy, and you’ll quickly realize that time management is key. Balance your academic commitments with social activities and self-care. Remember, as a student in Leicester, you’re here to learn, but also to have a memorable experience.

  5. Get Involved

    The University of Leicester, like many universities, offers a plethora of clubs and societies. It's a great way to meet new people, learn new skills, and make your university years more fulfilling. Plus, it's a fantastic way to feel more integrated into the Leicester student community.

    Being open minded at Leicester Student Accommodation

  6. Take Care of Your Health

    Remember to take care of your physical and mental health. Universities have facilities like gyms and mental health services for students. The student halls and other accommodation for students in Leicester, provided by Student Beehive, also have fitness and wellness areas.

  7. Make Use of University Resources

    The University of Leicester has excellent resources to help students succeed acadically. Make use of the library, tutoring services, and career guidance. The university is there to support you throughout your student journey.

  8. Explore Leicester

    Leicester is a city full of history, culture, and vibrancy. Make the most of your time in this amazing city. Visit the local markets, explore the museums, and enjoy the nightlife. This city experience is an integral part of your life as a Leicester student

  9. Budget Wisely

    Managing finances can be a challenge for many students. Make sure to budget for rent, food, social activities, and other essentials. If you’re staying in a student accommodation in Leicester, many utilities may be included in your rent, which can help you budget better.

  10. Stay Open-minded

    Lastly, be open-minded. University is a time of learning and growth, both academically and personally. Embrace the diversity of students, courses, and experiences that the University of Leicester offers.


Whether you're in student halls or private accommodation for students in Leicester, make the most of your first year. Choose your student accommodation wisely, be it student rooms, student studios or student houses, and remember, Student Beehive is there to help you with your housing in Leicester.

Your student accommodation Leicester will play a vital role in your university experience. From the friendships you form in your student halls to the independence you gain from living in your private student accommodation, these are the moments that will shape your time at university.

When you're exploring the accommodation in Leicester, don’t forget to consider the location, amenities, and the community around you. Some students may prefer the hustle and bustle of the city, while others may prefer a quieter accommodation in a residential area. The best student accommodation is the one that fits your needs and lifestyle.

Living in Leicester as a student, you'll have the opportunity to experience the city's rich history and culture. The city has a lot to offer, from the King Richard III Visitor Centre to the National Space Centre, and even the picturesque surroundings of the University of Leicester Botanic Garden.

Another key aspect of thriving in your first year at university is striking a balance between your studies and social life. Universities like the University of Leicester provide a host of events and activities that cater to a wide range of interests. Whether you're into sports, arts, or even birdwatching, there's likely a club or society for you.

Engaging with the student community in Leicester is also an excellent way to form connections and create memories. Participating in student events, volunteering in local community initiatives, and being active in university societies will enrich your university experience.

One of the perks of living in student accommodation Leicester is the support network it provides. You're surrounded by students who are experiencing the same challenges and triumphs, and there's comfort in knowing you're not alone. The support extends to the accommodation staff as well, who are there to ensure your stay is comfortable and safe.

In the end, your first year at university is a journey of self-discovery. It's about growing academically, personally, and socially. And while the transition to university life can seem daunting, remember that it's an experience shared by millions of students around the world. Embrace the change, seize the opportunities, and most importantly, enjoy your time as a student in Leicester.

As you embark on this exciting journey, remember that the University of Leicester and the vibrant city of Leicester are there to support you, as is your student accommodation. Whether you're in the student halls, a student studio, or a private student accommodation, make the most of it. After all, these are the years you'll look back on fondly. So, dive in, explore, learn, grow, and above all, enjoy your time as a student in Leicester.

Students at Studentbeehive spending time socialising

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Freshers week?

Freshers Week is an exciting, fun-filled initiation to university life, typically held at the start of the academic year. It's a week packed with diverse events, social gatherings, and opportunities to explore university facilities. It's a unique chance to connect with new people, join societies, and become familiar with the campus. It's the perfect setting to begin your unique university journey, brimming with an optimistic sense of anticipation and discovery.

Is it important to make friends in uni?

Making friends in university is absolutely essential, as it enhances your overall experience. Friends can provide academic support, emotional comfort, and an enriching social life. They can also introduce you to diverse perspectives, cultures, and interests, aiding personal growth. Building strong relationships in university can lead to lifelong friendships, and this network can also be beneficial for your future professional endeavours.

Is the first year of university important?

The first year of university is undoubtedly significant. It's a pivotal time of transition, growth, and exploration. It's the period where you adapt to a new learning environment, develop critical study habits, and begin to delve into your chosen academic field. Although grades may not count towards your final degree, the foundational knowledge and skills gained in the first year are essential for success in subsequent years.

Will I have fun in the first year of uni?

The first year of university promises to be an exhilarating adventure filled with new experiences, friendships, and learning opportunities. There's a vibrant world of clubs, societies, and events to explore, alongside the thrill of delving into your chosen academic discipline. While there may be challenges, the enjoyment derived from personal growth, newfound independence, and the joy of exploring your passions makes it an unforgettable experience.

Is the first year of uni going to be stressful?

While the first year of university can have its challenges, it also provides a wealth of rewarding experiences. Any stress experienced is part of the learning curve, shaping you into a more resilient, adaptable, and independent individual. Balancing academics with social life and self-care is a valuable life skill acquired during this time. It's a year of growth, exploration, and self-discovery that ultimately proves to be a fulfilling and enriching journey.

Does studying abroad make you more successful?

Studying abroad can definitely contribute to your success in various ways. By immersing yourself in a foreign culture, you can broaden your perspectives and gain a better understanding of the world, which can help you become more adaptable, open-minded, and empathetic. Additionally, studying abroad can help you improve your language proficiency and cross-cultural communication skills, which can be valuable assets in both personal and professional settings. Moreover, studying abroad can provide you with unique educational and career opportunities, such as internships, research projects, or language immersion programs, that can enhance your resume and increase your chances of success. Ultimately, whether studying abroad makes you more successful depends on your personal goals and how you leverage your experience to achieve them. By being proactive and taking advantage of the opportunities available at Leicester University, you can maximize the benefits of studying abroad and set yourself up for a successful future.