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Keep your valuables safe at the University of Leicester

Article writen by: Beth
02 October 2022

With several Leicester students in single halls, all with expensive goods like laptops, games consoles, tablets, mobile phones and televisions, Leicester student accommodation make appealing targets for burglars. As a student, they are more likely to be carrying high-value electronics like laptops and tablets out of the house, which can also make them more vulnerable to pick-pocketing or robbery. 

Plus, since many of you are living independently for the first time, they're less likely to take adequate precautions to keep their valuables safe, which is why those aged between 16 and 24 are more susceptible to burglaries than older adults. If you don't want to face losing your most expensive belongings at your facilities, be sure to take the following steps to keep your stuff safe, especially in the current cost of living.

Take only what you need

It may be tempting to take all your favourite belongings with you, but since your stuff is more vulnerable at uni halls than at your parent's houses, it may be wise to take just the essentials. Valuable jewellery, watches, musical instruments and gadgets are all susceptible to theft and expensive to replace. Some valuable items, like laptops, are essential, so pick out only what you really need and consider leaving the rest at home.

Don’t leave stuff behind in your Leicester halls

Similarly, don’t leave the valuables you do take to Leicester university with you behind when you return home for the long breaks. Opportunistic thieves know when a student leaves their flat and won’t return for a significant amount of time. This is often when they will target a student bedroom. Make sure you take extra precautions to secure your accommodation – especially if it’s off-campus. Although it tends to be more expensive, on-campus accommodation has the added benefit of security. 

Lock valuables away before house parties

House parties and hall parties are a great way to socialise and make new friends in your apartments, but they leave your valuables vulnerable to theft. With lots of people coming and going and alcohol reducing our alertness, it's relatively easy for thieves to snatch expensive goods. It's sensible to keep your valuables in a locked accommodation and limit guests to common areas. If you're leaving the housing after a few drinks, double check all windows, bike storage and doors are locked behind you.

Don't leave stuff unattended at your Leicester accommodation

Many universities require you to present ID to gain access to buildings on Leicester flats and this can give a false sense of security that we're safer from theft. Just because members of the public can't access a campus doesn't mean your valuables won't get stolen. Don't leave phones, laptops, wallets, purses or other valuables unattended without a trusted friend watching them.

Save accommodation security numbers on your phone

The university of Leicester has a security team on campus, and often they can get to the scene of emergencies quicker than the police because they're close by. If you're facing an emergency situation or you've encountered suspicious activity around your accommodation, give the security team a call. By saving their number in your phone you can get hold of them without delay.

Insure your valuables in case of theft

Unfortunately more than half of Leicester students who have had their belongings stolen don't have adequate insurance to cover the bills of replacements. Most of you are dealing with a tight budget and don't have the spare funds to pay out for the likes of new laptops, so it's important to prepare for the worst-case scenario by taking out an insurance policy, this is your choice.

Our final word on Leicester security for all students

When it comes to theft, students are often seen as easy targets in the city. There may be a number of reasons why this is the case – but don’t let that be you. You may be preoccupied with your studies and social life, and theft might be the last thing on your mind when you're new to student life, but the more precautions you take to prevent it, the safer your stuff will be so that you can focus on enjoying your Leicester student life to the fullest. It pays off being extra vigilant when it comes to keeping track of your belongings and protecting them from thieves in the city centre.

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